Evergreen Square Apartments
East Building Location:
605 W. Cedar; Beresford
Elderly or disabled property
Property consists of all (1) bedroom apartments all on ground level - no steps
Rent is based on 30% of income
Security deposit required
Smoke-free property
Included amenities:
- Walk-in showers
- Full size range, microwave oven, refrigerator
- 1 Wall air conditioning unit
- Centrally located coin operated laundry facility
- Community area
- Water, sewer and garbage
- Tenant designated parking area
Tenant responsibilities:
- Electricity, heat (electric), phone, cable and internet
West Building Location:
607 W. Cedar; Beresford
Elderly or disabled property
Property consists of three (2) bedroom units and six (1) bedroom units.
Rent is based on 30% of household's adjusted income
Security deposit required
Smoke-free property
Included amenities:
- 2 Bedroom units:
- 2 full size bathroom with walk-in showers
- Full size range & refrigerator
- 1 Wall air conditioning unit
- 1 Bedroom units:
- Full size range and refrigerator
- Centrally located coin operated laundry facility
- Community area
- Heat & electricity
- Water, sewer and garbage
- Tenant designated parking area
Tenant responsibilities:
- phone, cable and internet
- 1 bedroom units - no air conditioning provided. Welcome to purchase and install your own window type unit understanding that there is an annual fee for each installed unit, due the 1st of June each year for the electric use of that air conditional for all units in the west building
Sunview Apartments
206 E. Main, Beresford
Property consists of all (1) bedroom apartments
Conventional property - rent is $550 per month; security deposit of $550.00
6-month lease that reverts to month-to-month when the 6 months are up
30-day written notice must be given before the 1st of the month vacating
Smoke-free property
Included amenities:
- Centrally located coin operated laundry area
- Tenant designated parking area
- Water, sewer, and garbage included in rent
Tenant responsibilities:
- Electricity, heat (electric), phone, cable and internet